Are you struggling to find that perfect diet chart? Are you looking for the best diet charts for losing weight?
The diet charts discussed below will help you start losing weight from this very day. Let’s jump to details.
1. 7 Day Low Carb Meal Plan
This is a low-carb diet plan for 7 days. If you use this diet plan, it will restrict your carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrate is a powerful source that body stores in the shape of fats.
This diet chart will provide up to 900 calories a day. Most of the calories will be taken in the form of fat and proteins. You don’t have to consume more than 30{6f6325e81006090c67b24799731aac0121cbc6cbed9a6704f5a30a9474cd8037} carbohydrates in your daily diet. The remaining 70{6f6325e81006090c67b24799731aac0121cbc6cbed9a6704f5a30a9474cd8037} will come from proteins and fats.
Carbs VS Insulin
The science behind restricting your carb intake is that when carbs are digested by the stomach they are converted into glucose by the body. When glucose is produced, the body releases more insulin that store the glucose in the shape of body fats.
Increase in carbs means body fat.
The equation is simple, right?
On the other hand, if you continue your diet plan with this chart, it will restrict your carbs intake and, eventually, your body will produce less insulin and fewer fats will be stored in the body.
If you increase the intake of calories from proteins and fats, it increases the process of fat burning and also increases the metabolic rate of your body.
2. Healthy Weekly Diet Chart
Unlike low-carb diet chart, this diet chart is designed for a healthy dieting. You’ll start losing one pound a week. This diet chart does not provide you with any snacks between the meals.
On average, you will take up to 1200 calories in a day if you get on this diet plan. The beauty of this diet chart is that it will provide all the essential nutrients that your body needs. It is a mixture of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
It is more focused on low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. You can also eat fruits that are low in carbohydrates such as avocado, strawberries, and apple.
You must make sure that you are using whole wheat products while eating burgers and toasts. Proteins are also an integral part of this diet plan. Fish, chicken, turkey, and lamb meat are allowed in this diet chart.
Healthy Weekly Diet Chart will result in a healthy weight loss because it focuses on healthy diet.
3. Vegan Diet chart
Vegan diet chart supports vegan diet. You can eat all the foods that are related to plants and you are not allowed to eat those foods that are related to animals. This means you cannot eat dairy products such as milk, eggs, and honey.
Vegan diet chart is very effective for weight loss. Several studies have shown that vegan diet is an ideal diet for weight loss process.
Some experts say that this type of diet can be dangerous because it does not cover up proteins and fats that are necessary for human body to perform some unique functions.
However, encouraging results are found for weight loss by the vegan diet. This diet plan cut off proteins and fats from your diet. Yes, it is true that it can be fatal if you stick to it for a long time because it does not provide healthy minerals and nutrients that are found in fats and proteins.
4. Intermittent Fasting Diet Chart
Unlike the above-discussed diet charts, intermittent fasting is not a diet that is related to calories or nutrition level. Intermittent fasting is helpful in changing your eating patterns. You need to eat according to your routine but you have to increase duration.
The very common method of intermittent fasting is 16/8 where you have to eat your normal food in the window of 8 hours and you have to fast for 16 hours in the span of 24 hours.
You can see in the chart that only 8 hours are allowed for eating. However, the best benefit of 16 hours fasting is that you can spend 8 to 10 hours while sleeping and you will have to fast for fewer hours.
This diet gives a boost to your metabolic rate. When you are fasting, the body receives fewer carbs and low amount of insulin is produced. Lower insulin levels mean that body will not store the fats and you will lose weight.
Additionally, HGH is produced by your body which is very effective in fat burning process.
5. Atkin Diet Chart
Atkin diet chart has 4 phases. You need to restrict your carbs in this diet plan.
Results have shown that this Atkin diet plan is very effective and have fewer side-effects because of its phases. As you start losing weight, it will increase your intake of carbs phase by phase and, as a result, you’ll experience no side effects at all.
It focuses more on proteins and fats and restricts the number of carbs. However, the beauty of Atkins diet is that it increases the number of carbs step-by-step.
You’ll start losing weight immediately without having to spend hours sweating in your local gym. Yes, you are not supposed to do exercise. Atkin diet plan does not recommend any exercise for weight loss.
By its very nature, it is a healthy diet chart as you can see that in the last phase, you can eat all the fruits and tasty meals.
All these diet charts are proven diet charts and it is guaranteed that you’ll lose weight fairly quickly if you stick to the chart and stay focused and consistent.